Hello, lovely souls!
Have you ever stopped to wonder how some people appear to effortlessly draw success towards themselves like a magnet? You might be surprised to discover that the secret is no secret at all. It’s the power of manifestation and the law of attraction. Today, we’re diving into a wonderful topic that has transformed my life and that, my dear friends, could indeed transform yours too: the power of affirmations in achieving your goals.
In this incredible universe we inhabit, our thoughts and intentions have a potent influence on our reality. I’m a testament to that truth. Let me share a personal journey with you that might just inspire you to take a quantum leap towards your dreams.
A couple of months ago, I declared a bold intention: to have 100 vendors signed up for my yet-to-exist multivendor site by December 31, 2023. Yes, you heard right. I set a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goal (SMART, as the experts say) for a venture that was, at the time, only a dream.
You might be wondering, “Why such an audacious goal?” Well, I had a strong ‘why’ that fueled this vision: to empower individuals to earn a living wage as independent entrepreneurs, allowing them to work from home, raise their kids, or simply enjoy life to the fullest. With such a powerful purpose, it was clear that I needed to bring this dream to fruition.
And so began my journey into the power of affirmations and manifestation.
Affirmations, for those new to the concept, are concise, positive statements that we speak to ourselves, centering our minds on a clear image of our desired outcome. I began with affirmations like, “I am creating a thriving online community,” “I attract motivated vendors,” and “My website is a hub of successful entrepreneurs.” The affirmations weren’t just whimsical hopes—they became a solid foundation for my belief system and my everyday reality.
The thing about affirmations is, they aren’t just about ‘thinking’ positive thoughts. No, they’re about feeling and fully believing in what you’re affirming. This is where the power of emotion gets tied into our affirmations. When I affirmed that I was attracting motivated vendors, I allowed myself to feel the excitement, the satisfaction, and the pride that would come with achieving this goal.
But affirmations alone won’t work if we just sit back and do nothing else. The Universe loves a determined heart. Affirmations set the compass direction, but we still have to sail the boat.
As I spoke my affirmations, I started taking action. I enrolled in the WP RockStar course and joined the GeekPack community. There, I found a team of like-minded individuals, a group of women with visions just as audacious as mine. They provided me with the support and knowledge I needed to progress on my journey. As it turns out, when you set your mind to manifesting your dreams, you start to attract the right people and resources into your life.
Right now, as we speak, I’m on my way to achieving that audacious goal I set. I have moved from just having a domain name to being in the second week of the course, and I’m filled with an overflowing sense of possibility. I know now, without a shadow of doubt, that I’ll have the skills and support I need to build the website and attract vendors. My audacious dream is manifesting into reality, day by day.
I want to leave you with this: the power to manifest our dreams lies within us. The Universe is a generous giver, always ready to match our energy. Our job is to set clear, heartfelt goals and to believe—truly believe—that we have the power to achieve them.
Dare to dream audaciously. Affirm your goals, infuse your intentions with emotion, and take action. You have the power to create a life that matches your dreams, one quantum leap at a time.
Here’s to your next leap!